Wednesday 7 March 2012

Good Morning.....

Hari yang sejuk.... hujan sudah turun seawal 5 pagi tadi...memang syok kalau dapat 'berbungkus' dengan selimut atas katil...hihihihihi... cadangnya nak bangun awal, nak prepare 'bento' untuk lunch hari ini.. tapi apakan daya...tarikan magnet yang sangat kuat menyebabkan aku 'melekat' je kat atas tilam ku yang empuk je...hihihihi

Anyway pukul 6.30 pagi aku gagahkan diri untuk bangun and solat setelah puas bergolek2. Then baru prepare masakan untuk lunch hari ni.. Today buat sup ayam+cendawan...hehehehe.terbaek...makan dgn roti prata...xtaula masuk ke x... Aku nak mula baik diet besar2an...badan cam dah naik blik ni...but today dah timbang... so far, dah turun skit... Anyway the main story for today adalah hari ni hari penting bg adik aku, Aki-Payie... today, he got an interview at Banquet hall for Operation Assistant... Aku doakan dia dapatlah kerja tu coz kalau dapat, tambah sorang lagi kawan aku yang keje kat UPM...aku memang target salah sorang adik aku keje kat sini.. At least adelah kawan aku yang keje sama2 kat UPM.. senang aku nak cari housemate nanti...huhuhu.. Apepun, GOOD LUCk Aki....i will pray for your successful... Jia You...Jia You...

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Permulaan Yang Baru


Waaaahhh.....dah lama xtulis blog....kesian dgn blog aku yang dah terabai untuk kesekian lama....dah berhabuk2 dan bersawang dah ni...nak kena clean up n update balik... Anyway, sudah sebulan berlalu... Hari ini 1 Februari 2012.. hari Wilayah dan juga Hari Lahir Ayahanda ku tersayang yang ke-59 tahun... Happy Birthday ayah...terima kasih kerana membesarkan anakmu ini ...terima kasih untuk segala2nya........

Anyway, today aku decide nak deactive account fb... xtahula kenapa tapi setahun sekali aku akan deactive akaun fb aku. Lagipun akhir2 ni nak rasa nak cut off dgn dunia luar...nak mencari ketenangan sdikit.. Mental dan emosi aku agak kurang stabil skit. So many things happen and i have to get rid of it.. I need to breath the fresh air...  Akhir2 ni juga aku terpaksa membuat keputusan yang drastik.. Call maxis centre to block the odd and crazy phone number which non-stop ruined up my life.. Seriously this man is really crazy and psycho... tak tahan aku dibuatnya.. hampir setiap malam mengacau aku... bleh mental aku nanti... Dan aku juga ingin memohon maaf kepada seseorang.. Mungkin dia sedang tertanya2 ke mana aku menghilang.. (klau dia wondering la) Mana tau dia sedang berbahagia sekarang ni ke...huuuu... Ape pun, aku ingin tujukan lagu Yui-You khas untuk dia... Maaf banyak2...kalau aku teruskan conversation dengan dia.. i'm just hurting myself more... I Dunno why.. But i think this is the answer....

“I'm not supposed to love you, I'm not supposed to care, I'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were there. I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do...I'm sorry I can't help myself, I think I'm in love with you again...” Am I??? I just can't believe it....
For me.....
“Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you I had no control over.”

Tapi ape yang mampu aku lakukan hanyalah pretend that nothing is happen.. even dalam hati aku sedang berperang dengan perasaan... Whatever is, aku akan tetap support usaha dia..walaupun dari jauh...walaupun kadang2 ia melukakan hati aku sendiri...Mungkin aku harus berpegang dengan kata-kata ini....
“Love is when you shed a tear and still want him, it's when he ignores you and you still love him, it's when he loves another girl but you still smile and say I'm happy for you, when all you really do is cry.”
 Last words from me....
“Yes I love him. I love him more than anything else in this world and there is nothing that I would like better than to hold on to him forever. But I know it's not for the best. So no matter how much my heart is going to break, I've got to let him go so he can know just how much I love him. Maybe if I'm lucky, he'll come back, but if not, I can make it through this.”

 Semalam terdengar lagu A Thousand Year by Christina Perry.. Tetiba mata bergenang... Hati jadi sebak... What the 'heck'...  tak tahula kenapa dengan aku ni... makin tenat agaknya.... Anyway, last but not least... here's the lyrics....

"A Thousand Years"
Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer


I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still

Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

One step closer


I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you

Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer

One step closer


I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you

Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Best moment in a short time....

Good morning.... Pagi ke ni??? kira pagilah... anyway, baru hari ni dapat menconteng skit kat blog yg comot ni.hihihi... cerita kali ni xdelah gempak sgt tp sweet...sweet suam2 kuku je la... well, petang selasa my old buddy waktu zaman degree dlu dtg melawat...dah lama xjumpa...almost 3 years...kebetulan dia turun KL coz ada, she like to spend together wif me..dah alang2 dtg, dia made a little sucrifice to do some crazy things, menjelajah ke sana ke sini... wow, i'm so proud of her.. 1st day turun shah alam dari Kelantan, pastu esoknya pegi day gi Kepong then bleh attend meeting and the last journey baru turun Serdang... tu blum kira blik Kepong semula and malamnya tu bertolak balik ke Kota Bharu, Kelantan....hope you have the best journey that u ever had...

 Na, ko dah macam pengacara destinasi budget je...hiihihi... anyway, one nite spend tu berlalu amatlah pantas... rasa macam2 nak cerita tp xtau nk mula mana nk akhir mana...masing2 nk bercerita.. Ape yg pasti, i would like to appologise di atas kekurangan dri segi layanan, makan-minum, tempat tinggal dan ape sj condition dari pihak aku sorry if u not feel comfortable...

Looking u so happy make me feel happy to...Alhamdulillah, ko sentiasa bahagia... Both of us hav the similarity, lived in big family, the oldest girl in family which make we feel more responsible and committed wif our jobs. Bagus. keep up ur good work...

Ape yg pasti, kita perlu bekerja dengan hati yg ikhlas..jgn merungut selagi kita boleh handle..Kita perlu tabah & sabar selalu...InsyaAllah, rezeki yg murah akan datang pada kita suatu masa nanti...

Last words from me, take care of urself....we hav promised to meet again since u hav knew where my house is... Next time jumpa, aku bwk ko jalan2 sad xsempat nk bergambar dgn ko...xpela, aku upload gambar muda-muda kita masa blajar dulu...heheheh...kay, jumpa lagi...Tata...
Me and Na- Zoo Negara moment (Animal Behavior Field Trip,16 March 2008)

Monday 25 April 2011

To whom must i believe?????

To whom must I believe???.....Yeah... its really hard to find such a trustworthy person rite now.... I willy-nilly MUST keep everything by myself...just shut my mouth and lock those thing deep inside my heart...As long as i still can keep them closely in my heart, as long as that i will try to survive myself.... And if one day i need a friend to talk to, i will find anyone, or anybody that i can really trust... And maybe one of them, are YOU....

Friday 22 April 2011

Arigato Gozaimasu.....

Good afternoon..... Afternoon??? Hm....its a damp cold afternoon rite now in Serdang...yeah.... and i even confused with the timing...its really dark almost reach 6.00 pm but actually rite now is 4.00pm.

Nowadays, the climate is 'upside down'.... In the morning the weather is so hot... such a bright and suitable for the housewife to dry up their laundry but when the day reach to afternoon or evening time, the sky turn up to dark and the temperature start to decrease...

Anyway, i would like to thank to someone, my buddy and ex-lab mate, Miss MF for supporting me and even praise my simple blog...thank you so much.... DOMO ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU....

I never knew to have someone who really appreciate my writing....anyway, please keep on reading my blog..i know that my blog is simple and ordinary but i will try to put more effort after this... Till we meet again... Guys, do take care of urself....don't let the pain hit you....heheheh...ok, see you in next story....Tata...

Thursday 21 April 2011



There's been a long time i haven't open this many things to take care around me.... Anyway, today is deleting day...hahahha...i've decided to delete all those old memory file inside my thumb drive..such a troublesome to wait for the things that uncertainty....sometimes i think that some of those file is useful for me in the future, so i decided to keep it...but till now, there's no use of it...sometimes i afraid that my old friends ask for the things that i 'might' still keep inside my thumb drive,so it would be easy if i still got it...but till now, nobody ask for, FINALLY i've decided....


Anyway, there were still some of the files that i refuse to delete....what to do...Fara is such a 'KEEPER GIRL'... Hahahahahah... love to keep everything.... Because some of those things have their own sentimental values....

Saturday 16 April 2011

Jalan-jalan Cari Pasal.... ;p


Hai, bertemu kembali kita kali ini dengan agenda yg lain plak...jalan-jalan cari pasal... kasar je bunyinye eik..hehehe..rilek2...biasa2 je tu...saja nk wat bunyi cam luar biasa... Actually, hari ni dah janji ngan sahabatku Miz Ann pi jalan2 coz katanya pas ni dia akan busy n xtau bila lg bleh hang out together...mak oih, kalah PM kawan aku yg sorg nih..hehehe. So aku pun bangun la awal2 pagi... pas solat subuh aku cepat2 kemas umah...pastu ingat nk joging 2,3 round coz dah 2,3 hari aku skip exercise... dann.... yg bestnya aku tengok kat luar tingkap..... Hujan.....adoiooyoyoyoyo.... aku hanya mampu menonton ujan...

Anyway itu tidak mematahkan smangat aku untuk teruskan exercise...last2 aku bersenam jela dlm blik aku yg sekangkang monkey tu sambil dgr lagu yg ntah ape2...heheh..xkisahla, janji berpeluh...
Then, tepat kol 8.45 aku start mandi n bersiap2...tunggu punya tunggu dlm kol 10lbih kwn aku sampai... Yang bestnya kan, sbaik masuk keta, kitorang saling menanyakan soalan cepu gangsa..."Kita nak gi mana ni, wei?"....hahahah...dahsyat sungguh, plan nk kuar, tp xtau nk pi mana...memang padanla mak aku tergelak besar bila aku ckp nk kuar, tapi xtau ke mana destinasi nya...
Akhirnya, setelah berpusing2 mengalahkan Merry Go Around kat sekitar pekan Serdang tu, kitorg pun decide nk pi Mid Valley....

Tang nk cite way to Mid Valley tu, xperlula di rungkaikan coz aku rasa cukupla sekadar aku n kwn aku tau cmno cabaran, dugaan n cobaan kitorg nk pi sana...untung2 kitorang akan ingat sampai tua...tu pun kalau xkena penyakit Alzhemier..hehehehe

So, bila dah jln2 dlm Mid, and da pegi pusing2 kat job fair (kebetulan ada job fair exhibition), kitorg pun singgah kat SWEET CHAT CAFE untuk menelan ape2 yg boleh meredakan rengekan perut masing2...

Ha....aku mmg suka bab2 mencuba ni...kalau kwn aku xajar, conform aku xtau... so, dlm bnyk2 menu aku cuba makan (dlm gambar):
-Spicy Beef Pasta yg berharga RM 13.90.. ( No.1)-Mine
-Spageti Spicy Oriental harga RM 10.90 (No.2)-Miz Ann
-Dessert = Soy Bean Jelly with kiwi Flavour RM 6.90 (No.3)-share2
-Air Blue Ocean harga Rm 5.90 (No.4)-Mine

Menu from Sweet Chat Cafe (Midvalley)
So, bila mana makanan sudah berada di depan mata, kitorang pun apelagi, makanla dengan kusyuk n tawadhuk...kiranya menghayati makanan thing that is interesting about my dishes is, rasanya sebijik mcm makan gulai daging salai...pergh, sape yg minat makan gulai daging salai masak lemak cili api, mmg sesuai la order Spicy Beef Pasta ni.Bezanya cuma bukan makan dgn nasi, tp dgn pasta..rasanya yg pedas2 sikit and daging nya yg mmg di salai elok, mmbuatkan aku asyik sendawa rasa daging salai je sepanjang hari....di tambah plak dia letak bell pepper yg sweet2 je rasa dia...mmg kenala kombinasi...

Air Blue ocean ni plak rasa seperti ice-cream soda tp xlah menyengat sgt rasa karbonat dia..kiranya sedang2 elok la coz xdela asyik sendawa gas je...
Air Blue Ocean ( Dah tinggal separuh daa...)
 Untuk desert plak ( Soy bean jelly kiwi), memang rasa soya sejati...sape yg minat habis dengan Tau Fu Fah tu, elok benar la makan benda ni...kalau xnak perisa Kiwi bleh beli perisa strawbery tp mahal skitla ( RM 9.90)
Soy Bean Jelly with Kiwi Flavour
Lepas dah mamam2 n perut pun dah full, kitorg pun decide jalan2 kat tempat lain plak...anyway bnyk lg kisah yg nak disampaikan tp aku drop sampai sini jela...sbenarnya nk share dgn semua tentang makanan yg aku baru je dpt try ni.. (ntah2 korang dah lama da makan benda2 ni eik)...oklah, sampai masa jumpa lg di lain hari, dgn agenda lain plak... Tata...