Wednesday 27 April 2011

Best moment in a short time....

Good morning.... Pagi ke ni??? kira pagilah... anyway, baru hari ni dapat menconteng skit kat blog yg comot ni.hihihi... cerita kali ni xdelah gempak sgt tp sweet...sweet suam2 kuku je la... well, petang selasa my old buddy waktu zaman degree dlu dtg melawat...dah lama xjumpa...almost 3 years...kebetulan dia turun KL coz ada, she like to spend together wif me..dah alang2 dtg, dia made a little sucrifice to do some crazy things, menjelajah ke sana ke sini... wow, i'm so proud of her.. 1st day turun shah alam dari Kelantan, pastu esoknya pegi day gi Kepong then bleh attend meeting and the last journey baru turun Serdang... tu blum kira blik Kepong semula and malamnya tu bertolak balik ke Kota Bharu, Kelantan....hope you have the best journey that u ever had...

 Na, ko dah macam pengacara destinasi budget je...hiihihi... anyway, one nite spend tu berlalu amatlah pantas... rasa macam2 nak cerita tp xtau nk mula mana nk akhir mana...masing2 nk bercerita.. Ape yg pasti, i would like to appologise di atas kekurangan dri segi layanan, makan-minum, tempat tinggal dan ape sj condition dari pihak aku sorry if u not feel comfortable...

Looking u so happy make me feel happy to...Alhamdulillah, ko sentiasa bahagia... Both of us hav the similarity, lived in big family, the oldest girl in family which make we feel more responsible and committed wif our jobs. Bagus. keep up ur good work...

Ape yg pasti, kita perlu bekerja dengan hati yg ikhlas..jgn merungut selagi kita boleh handle..Kita perlu tabah & sabar selalu...InsyaAllah, rezeki yg murah akan datang pada kita suatu masa nanti...

Last words from me, take care of urself....we hav promised to meet again since u hav knew where my house is... Next time jumpa, aku bwk ko jalan2 sad xsempat nk bergambar dgn ko...xpela, aku upload gambar muda-muda kita masa blajar dulu...heheheh...kay, jumpa lagi...Tata...
Me and Na- Zoo Negara moment (Animal Behavior Field Trip,16 March 2008)


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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